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Mindfulness Resources for the Classroom: Finding Related Articles

Off Campus Library Database Access

Schoolcraft students, faculty, and staff can access library databases from off-campus through Blackboard by clicking the “Organizations” tab. Go to

Tips for Locating Articles About Mindfulness and SEL

When searching for articles by a topic, a phrase or a person's name use quotation marks. Quotation marks will help you to search more effectively by locating an exact match of that searched topic, phrase or person's name within the library database.

For example:

"growth mindset"

"mindfulness in the classroom"

"social emotional learning"

Additional search boxes can be used to add additional search terms as needed.

In many of the databases search filters can help you to limit your online search by format type. Format types include: peer reviewed journal articles, magazine, newspaper articles, eBooks and multi-media formats.

A timeline if often available as a search filter to help you to limit your search results by publication date.

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Wayne Pricer