Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences
Governors Biographical, Searchable Database (from the National Governor's Association)
Historical Figures (BBC)
Inventors Hall of Fame, Search Inductees
Justices of the Supreme Court Biographies
Math World, Biographies of Mathematicians
Music Academy Online, Composer Biographies
National Academy of Science, Biographical Memoirs
Notable Business Biographies (from Info Please)
Notable Names database (more than 40,000 listings)
Obit Finder
Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors
POTUS (Presidents of the United States)
Profiles in Science (from the National Library of Medicine)
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Inductees
Rulers (1700- present)
Spark Notes Biography
Time Magazine, 100 Most Influential People (2023)
U.S. Presidents (from the White House)
Weisstein's World of Scientific Biography